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Furniture restoration

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Restoration of wooden furniture Kharkiv

No matter how durable and high-quality furniture is, under the influence of negative environmental factors, time, sudden changes in temperature, mechanical damage, it becomes unusable, wears out, loses its attractive appearance, and its operational properties are reduced. Therefore, the issue of restoration of wooden furniture, which will be able to fix all the damage, return to your favorite decor item the original excellent look, update the design, is especially relevant.

Restoration of wooden furniture in Kharkov is a difficult process and restoration of damaged furniture at home will not work. For this, special knowledge of technologies, means for cleaning the surface, certain equipment is necessary, therefore it is better to entrust such a matter to professionals.

The company “LVA mebel” has been operating in the domestic furniture market for more than 15 years, and, along with the manufacture of new ones, is engaged in the restoration of old wooden furniture, various joinery, stairs, windows, doors. Using the latest technology, modern equipment, having high professional experience, highly qualified specialists of the enterprise at an affordable price will quickly restore old furniture in Kharkov. The scope of restoration services includes:

  • while maintaining the original frame, minor repairs;
  • replacement of upholstery, updating of color design, varnish coating;
  • furniture restoration, replacement of fixtures, fittings;
  • creation of a new design;
  • elimination of scratches, chips, other external defects.

The cost of restoration depends on the complexity of the work, the condition of the furniture, the materials used, and accessories.

Professional restoration of furniture

Professional restoration of furniture of any complexity is carried out in the company “LVA mebel” by highly skilled craftsmen, in a short time, with a guaranteed high-quality result.

Restoration of wooden furniture includes several stages, requires strict adherence to technological standards, so it can only be entrusted to experienced, knowledgeable professionals. In the process, high-quality, durable, human-safe materials are used.

Furniture restoration in Kharkov is the best option to return your favorite furniture to an excellent original appearance! An individual approach to each client, excellent service, reasonable prices, free telephone consultations are attractive moments of mutually beneficial cooperation with our company.
